Comparing to File saving system

  • Disadvantage of file saving such as spreadsheet
    • Data redundancy
      • Inconsistency in data format
      • The same information being kept in several different places (files)
      • Data inconsistency, a situation where various copies of the same data are conflicting, wastes storage space and duplicates effort
    • Data isolation
      • it is difficult to pick up the target data, because it is saved in multiple files.
    • Integrity problems
      • Data values must satisfy certain consistency constraints that are specified in the application programs.
      • It is difficult to make changes to the application programs in order to enforce new constraints.
    • Security problems
      • There are constraints regarding accessing privileges.
      • Application requirements are added to the system in an ad-hoc manner so it is difficult to enforce constraints.
    • Concurrency access

Database properties

  • a representation of some aspect of the real world or a collection of data elements (facts) representing realworld information.
  • logical, coherent and internally consistent.
  • designed, built and populated with data for a specific purpose.
  • Each data item is stored in a field.
  • A combination of fields makes up a table.

Database System

  • self-describing
    • it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database.
  • relational database
    • data is stored in a tabular form
  • hierarchical database
    • data is stored in a tree structure form
  • network database
    • data is stored in a graph


DBMS is a set of software tools that control access, organize, store, manage, retrieve, and maintain data in a database.


  • information model
    • an abstract, formal representation of entities that includes their properties, relationships and the operations that can be performed on them
    • The main purpose is to model managed objects at a conceptual level, independent of any specific implementations or protocols used to transport the data
    • it defines relationships between managed objects
  • data model
    • defined at a more concrete level and include many details.
    • the blueprint of any database system.

Information model is conceptual, data model is concrete.


Data Architect

Sometimes called Data Modeller

Fundamental skill

  • Logical Data Modeling
  • Physical Data Modeling
  • Development of a data strategy and associated policies
  • Selection of capabilities and systems to meet business information needs

Database Architect

Responsible for:

  • gather and document requirements from business users and management and address them in a solution architecture
  • share the architecture with business users and management
  • create and enforce database and application development standards and processes
  • create and enforce service level agreements for the business, specially addressing high availability, backup/restore and security.
  • study new products, versions compatibility, and deployment feasibility and give recommendations to development teams and management
  • understand hardware, operating system, database system, multi-tier component architecture and interaction between these components.
  • prepare high-level documents in-line with requirements
  • review detailed designs and implementation details

Database Administrator

DBA is responsible for the maintenance, performance, integrity and security of the DB. And sometimes DBA is required to plan, develop and troubleshoot.

  • establishing the needs of users and monitoring user access and security
  • monitoring performance and managing parameters to provide fast query responses to front-end users
  • mapping out the conceptual design for a planned database in outline
  • take into account both, back-end organization of data and front-end accessibility for end users.
  • refining the logical design so that it can be translated into a specific data model
  • further refining the physical design to meet system storage requirements
  • installing and testing new versions of the database management system
  • maintaining data standards including adherence to the data protection act
  • writing database documentation including data standards, procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata)
  • controlling access permissions and privileges
  • developing, managing, and testing backup and recovery plans
  • ensuring that storage, archiving , backup and recovery procedures are functioning
  • capacity planning
  • working closely with it project managersm database programmers and web developers
  • communicating regulary with technical, applications and operational staff to ensure database integrity and security
  • commissioning and installing new applications

Application Developer


  • data definition language (DDL)
    • to create, alter, and manipulate the objects within the database.
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
    • to add data, delete data, update existing data, and find and extract data from the database.
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
    • used to control access to the data within the database.
    • rant access to the database, to particular tables or even particular columns or rows within a table.
    • The security of the database in terms of authentication