
Add folder to finder sidebar

  1. Select the folder in the finder window.
  2. Menu [File] -> [Add to Sidebar] (Or, control + command + t)

File Info

afinfo file_path

shows file information.

  • Example
    • audio sound file
        KenjinoMacBook-puro% afinfo mission_impossible_16_24000.mp3
        File:           file.mp3
        File type ID:   MPG3
        Num Tracks:     1
        Data format:     1 ch,  16000 Hz, '.mp3' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 576 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame
                        no channel layout.
        estimated duration: 211.500000 sec
        audio bytes: 423000
        audio packets: 5875
        bit rate: 16000 bits per second
        packet size upper bound: 728
        maximum packet size: 72
        audio data file offset: 0

mac で一括で印刷するためにつかったコマンド。

find . ./ | xargs lpr -o PageSize=A4 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -o number-up=2


To print:

lpr $file_path -o PageSize=A4 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -o number-up=2