汎用レジスタ H+L

  • AX アキュムレータ (Accumlator)
  • BX ベースレジスタ (Base)
  • CX カウントレジスタ (Count)
  • DX データレジスタ (Data)


  • SI ソースインデックス (Source Index)
  • DI ディスティネーションインデックス (Destination Index)


  • BP ベースポインタ (Base Pointer)
  • SP スタックポインタ (Stuck Pointer)
  • IP インストラクションポインタ (Instruction Pointer)


  • CS コードセグメント (Code Segment)
  • DS データセグメント (Data Segment)
  • ES エクストラセグメント (Extra Segment)
  • SS スタックセグメント (Stuck Segment)



アドレスパスの本数は 20本。 セグメントベースから 64kb をセグメントと呼ぶ。

A [Address] アセンブリの記述

Q 終了

G [= start address][end address] プログラム実行

T [= start address][end address] Execute program, print register

U [start address][end address] reverse addemble

D [start address][end address] memory dump

E address [code list] Insert code list, hexadecimals, into and after indicated address

Little endian One register is composed of 2 little endian

  AH = AB  
  AL = CD

8086 processor Segment address + offset address 15F2 : 0100 Segment Base 15F20

Code Segment Address of running program

Data Segment Referenced in transporting data between register and memory

Extra segment used like data segment

Stack segment used in stack operation

In MS-DOS, OS controlles segment address

OffsetAddress [0200] : Address of 200 offset

When you store value into memory, you should indicate data size. Because memory can adapt to 1 byte to 1 word, while register size is defined by receiving register.

PTR operator usage BYTE PTR for 1 byte
WORD PTR for 2 byte
DWORD example MOV BYTE PTR ]0200], 41 MOV WORD PTR ]0300], 43 42

for offset address use BX, BP, SI, DI

    MOV BX, 0200
    MOV WORD PTR [BX], 4443
    MOV WORD PTR [BX+2], 4241

Arithmatic example MOV AX, 10 # AX = 10 # 10 is hexadecimal value MOV DX, 20 # DX = 20 # 20 is hexadecimal value ADD AX, DX # AX = AX + DX SUB DX, 5 # DX = DX - 5

Increment, Decrement MOV AX, 000F MOV WORD PTR [0200], 43, 42 # 43 is saved into [0201] # 42 is saved into [0200] INC AX INC BYTE PTR ]0201] DEC BYTE PTR [0200]

AX = 000F
[0200] = ,
AX += 1     -> AX = 0010
[0201] += 1 -> [0201] = 44
[0200] -= 1 -> [0201] = 41