


  • DataFrame
    • created by read_csv
    • can be converted to lazy mode
  • LazyFrame
    • created by scan_csv
    • describe_optimized_plan method returns optimized plan.
    • call collect method to evaluates the output
    • call fetch method to evaluate the output for testing. It uses just a part of the data, not whole.
      • fetch can accept one parameter that represents the number of the records.
    • pivot method is not available in this mode, for example. call collect() for it.

Streaming mode

In streaming mode, the program processes the data step by step, instead of all at once. This allows the program to avoid the need for holding the entire dataset in memory, and it only requires memory for the specific part of the data it is currently handling.

The collect and fetch functions can be used with the streaming argument.


It’s important to note that streaming mode might not be available for all operations, but it is supported for most of them.